Donnerstag, 26. Oktober 2017

Webchat quakenet

To connect to IRC and join as click 'Join chat'. OptionsAdd webchat to your sitePrivacy policyFeedbackHelp! You are welcome to comment on the web client in #dev on QuakeNet to provide feedback.

Being an IRC network almost all of QuakeNet's user support happens on. QuakeNet is a large IRC (Internet Relay Chat) network. IRC client to join in or use our web chat application to join directly from your browser.

Das QuakeNet ist eines der größten IRC-Netzwerke der Welt.

Neben den Gamingchanneln haben sich einige Subkulturen gebildet, wie beispielsweise Musik- oder Fußball-Chats. QuakeNet Webchat: Baue eine Verbindung zum IRC-Netz QuakeNet auf und betrete im IRC-Netz QuakeNet einen Chatraum deiner Wahl! Plus others tools for your website. Eines der bekanntesten und größten Netzwerke ist das Quakenet. Nickname: Channels: (logged in as ). Want to Livechat with Squad developers and community members?

Check out the Quakenet chat room for Squad! People from all over the world connect to QuakeNet to communicate, organise and.

This is just a frame from the original Webchat Application from quakenet . The page loads for me but upon connecting to the server it hangs . QuakeNet's connection authentication daemon. Blizzcon … replies retweets 0 . The knowledge base guide for creating a custom page is excellent: Add a New Custom Page to phpBB. I'd like to add quakenet webchat to my . Webchat link; Enter a Username and in the channel, type: #albiononline and Log-in.

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